Research Manager

Senior Researcher  PhD 

email: antonello.bonfante[at]

Skype: Nutria_76

Tel  +39 06.4993 (int.27561)

Senior Researcher  PhD                                                                                       

  • He is a Senior Researcher at CNR-ISAFOM (since 2011) and he was a contracted Professor in Pedology at University of Salerno (Dep. of Chemistry and Biology, Degree course in Environmental Science, 2013-2018). He got the degree in Agricultural Science and Technology (110/110 and praise) in March 2002 at the University of Naples Federico II, Faculty of Agriculture of Portici (NA) discussing a thesis entitled  “Grapevine Zoning in Telese Valley : a methodological approach”; in February 2006 he got the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in “Valorization and management of the Agro-Forest Resources” in applied Pedology, at the University of Naples “Federico II”, discussing the thesis entitled "Determination of protecting capability of soils to the agricultural nitrate pollution: comparison between simulation models", which earned him the AISSA (Italian Association of Agrarian Scientific Society) doctoral award (2006). He was (2009-2014) member of the Soil Physics Commission of the Italian Society of Soil Science (SISS) for which is currently president of “Soil Use and management” division. Moreover, he is a member of the European Geoscience Union (EGU) (since 2009) and the Italian Society of Pedology (SIPE). In 2019 he was appointed member of the Regional Observatory on Precision Agriculture of the Campania Region (ORAdP) (Presidential Decree No. 89 of 13/06/2019). In 2018 he obtained the national qualification for associated professor in Pedology (National Scientific Qualification), sector of Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural Genetics and Pedology (07 / E1), call for applications 1532/2016.
  • In 2013 he was part of a joint CNR-ISAFOM and University of Naples Federico II (Agricultural Dept.) team identified by FAO for the evaluation of territorial assessment models applied to different scales by FAO itself (GAEZ, MOSAICC, AQUACROP, etc..), producing an internal report of 239 pages where the limits and advantages of each model, currently applied, were shown and explained (review work “Assessment of some FAO's tools for land evaluation and crop modeling: GAEZ, LRIMS, BEFS-TOOLS, MOSAICC, AQUACROP and ALES ". Terrible F., Basile A., Bonfante A., et al., 2013). In 2014 he was keynote speaker of session "Soil ecosystem under climate change" [C4.1 3] at 20° World Congress of Soil Scien ce in South Korea in 2014. In 2015 he was invited by the editor Prof. D. Sparks to write chapter two “Climate Change Effects on the Suitability of an Agricultural Area to Maize Cultivation: Application of a new Hybrid Land Evaluation System” in book number 133 of Advances in Agronomy book series.
  • In 2017 he was invited by the president of IUSS (International Union of Soil Sciences), prof. Rattan Lal, writing a chapter for the IUSS book "Soil and Sustainable Development Goals", entitled "Soil science solutions for advancing SDG 2 towards resilient agriculture" published in July 2018 by Catena Soil Sciences, E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung (Bonfante et al., 2018). Among his collaborations are important to underline his activities with em. Prof. in Soil Science Johan Bouma, with whom has written several papers, the last one "Highlight article" on SOIL journal on the topic of soil health ( 

Currently he is the scientific manager of:

  1. Joint Research & Development Projects between Italy and Israel “AN ADVANCED LOW COST SYSTEM FOR FARM IRRIGATION SUPPORT – LCIS” funded by MAECI - MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION of Italian Republic (10/08/2017-10/08-2019)

  2. CNR-ISAFOM unit in the regional project "Reducing the distance between research and farmers (RURAL)" PSR Campania 2014-2020. Measure 16 - Sub-measure 16.5 (in progress).

  3. CNR unit for the National Project (PRIN 2017) “Influence of Agro-climatic conDitions on the microbiome and genetic expression of grApevines for the Production of red wines: a mulTisciplinary approach” ADAPT project (in progress).

  4. CNR-ISAFOM unit in regional project “Sustainable models of cultivation of the Greco grapevine: efficiency of use of resources and application of 'Footprint family' indicators ” – GREASE (Greco EfficienzA uSo risorsE). PSR Campania 2014-2020. Measure 16 - Sub-measure 16.1.2 (in progress).

  5. CNR-ISAFOM unit in national project MISE - Ministry for Economic Development, AGRIFOOD sector, "SENSOBIO - BIOdegradable SENsors for Precision Agriculture" (in progress)

  6. Coordinator of WP3 Agrotech of the DISBA project, Foe Bioeconomy (ongoing) and head of the Institute on planning. 

  7. CNR-ISAFOM unit in international project EIT-Food "MOSOM - Mapping of Soil Organic Matter" (in progress)

He is currently a co-guest and guest editor for:

and part of the editorial board of:

Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution - Models in Ecology and Evolution (4.17 IF) (Review Editors)

CV Bonfante