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  • Professional qualification as "Underwater Technical Operator" c/o Regione Siciliana - Department of Social Policies, Work and Training.
  • Qualification for the profession of Biologist c / o University of Catania;
  • Master's Degree in Biological Sciences v.o.; address Marine Biology c / o University of Catania;
  • Baccalaureate classical.

 Scientific publications and educational:

 Author and / or co-author of:

  • 65 scientific papers on national and/or international ISI journals with IF;
  • over 200 popular articles on international magazines of wildlife and underwater activity;
  • 15 chapters of books distributed on national and/or international circuit;
  • 3 Technical-Scientific Reports.

 Main research interests:

  • Biology and ecology of marine organisms;
  •  Biology and ecology of NIS and AIS in the Mediterranean Sea;
  •  Population structure, connectivity and spatial distribution of the main fishery resources;
  • Development of innovative technologies for the restoration of naturalness in coastal marine environments;
  • Integrated management of the coastal strip and transition environments for the sustainable management of marine resources and the conservation of biodiversity;
  • Biology and Ecology of marine and freshwater microalgae;
  •  Aquaculture of marine plant species for the extraction of bioactive and functional compounds aimed at the production of food for human consumption and of farm animals and of bio-energy interest;
  • Study and characterization of bio-deterioration phenomena of stone artefacts of cultural heritage by plant organisms.

 Laboratory / field activities:

  • Sampling of the mobile and hard bottom benthos;
  •  Sampling of marine organisms in a water column;
  • Visual census activity in self-contained underwater diving;
  • Visual census and underwater sampling activities "in saturation";
  • Piloting of ROVs - remotely operated vehicle;
  • Crops of sea vegetables and fresh water;
  •  Development of culture media for marine and fresh water plants;
  • Transplantation and/or reforestation of marine plants.


  •  Expert on the subject of "Ecology" c / o University of Catania;
  •  Subject expert for the teaching of "Biology of the Algae" c / o University of Catania;
  •  Professor of "Systematics of Algae" c / o University Consortium of the City of Trapani;
  •  Reviewer for ISI journals: Biodiversity Journal; Biologia Marina Mediterranea; Bocconea; Chemosphere; Journal of Coastal Conservation; Journal of Fisheries Science; Nature Conservation; Regional Studies in Marine Sciences; The Journal of Coastal Research;
  •  Member of the editorial team of the international journal "Journal of Fisheries Science".


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