Research Manager
email: angelo.basile[at]
tel. +39 06.4993 (int 27564)
Degree in Agriculture Science
Professional qualification of Full professor in Agricultural, Forestry and Biosystem Engineering
Research Interests :
- Water flow processes in the soil; Physical-based simulation models of water flow and solutes transport in the soil-plant-atmosphere system; Decision support systems; Scale processes; Volcanic soils;
- Laboratory and field measurement of hydraulic properties and their parameterization;
- Sensors and measurement of soil variables (water content, potential, etc.) at local scale (eg TDR) and geospatial scale (eg geophysical, aerospace and ground methods);
- Soil microstructure: porosity determined by image analysis and soil hydraulic properties;
- Procedures for scaling up properties and soil variables measured at the laboratory, field and territorial scale;
- Modelling of transport processes, water stress and plant growth in the soil-plant-atmosphere system;
- Modelling of transport mechanisms of solutes, pollutants and in particular nitrates;
- Soil heterogeneity and spatial variability (e.g. geostatistic, neural networks);
- Zoning procedures, mapping and relationships between product quality and physical environment;
- Crop adaptation to climate change through the integrated use of local-scale simulation models and statistical downscaling of weather data;
- Web application of Decision Support Systems (DSS).
Lab/field Activities:
Laboratory: Measurement of soil hydraulic properties and solute transport parameters; inflow-outflow tests; soil particle size distribution;
Field: Monitoring in experimental sites cultivated with vines, wheat, maize, etc of soil variables (e.g. pressure head, water content and solutes concentration) and microclimate variables. Geophysical measurements for the geospatial study of soil properties.
People: https://Angelo Basile - ISAFOM
Scopus Author ID: 57192935259
WoS Researcher ID: B-9641-2012
Orcid ID: 0000-0002-6238-0278
Research Gate: Angelo_Basile
Google Scholar: xc2RqVcAAAAJ&hl=it
Mendely: angelo-basile3