
email: pasquale.giorio[at]cnr.it;

Tel.: +39 06.4993081 (int. 27529)

Skype: Pasquale-Giorio-CNR



  • High school in Naples: Industrial chemistry, final degree: 60/60.
  • Faculty of Agricultural Science at University of “Federico II” in Naples, Final degree: 110/110.

Professional experience

  • From 05/01/1990, Biennial Scholarship and Training at C.N.R. (Borse di Studio Mezzogiorno, 224.06.1 cod. 24.06.1, 02/06/1989) ISPAIM-C.N.R. Ercolano (Napoli).
  • 1992, scholarship extended at the `Horticulture Research International (H.R.I.) in Wellesbourne (U.K.), under the supervision of Prof. Hamlyn G. Jones, with contribution grant by H.R.I. Wellesbourne and Vegetable Research Trust.
  • Researcher: Two-year contract at the CNR-ISPAIM Ercolano (NA) from October 15, 1994, extended until 17/12/1997.
  • Researcher: Permanent contract at CNR-ISAFOM (ex ISPAIM) from 17/12/1997.
  • Since 1995, for three year, Scientific manager of the chemist laboratory at CNR-ISAFoM, Ercolano (NA).
  • 1996, European Union project "Structural Projects ObjectiveI" (agreement C-94-3580) - Promotions of interventions for the best utilization of resources for olive growing in Southern Italy.
  • In 1998, scientific Tutor of the student Afif El Khoury, University ofSaint Esprit Kaslik, Beirut, Lebanon, during the internship in Italy at the CNR-ISPAIM, for the thesis Degree in Agricultural Engineering titled "Leaf water status, gas exchange and growth in Olive cultivars” of which he was Rapporteur, thesis discussed in January 1999 at the same University.
  • In 1999, scientific Tutor of the student Rita Abdelnour, University of Saint Esprit, Kaslik, Beirut, Lebanon for the "Summer Training 1999".
  • National Scientific Coordinator of the Coordinated Project CNR Agency 2000 entitled "Estimating the water requirements of strategic tree crops in the South, rationalization of the use of irrigation water and study the mechanisms of plant responses to water stress".
  • In 2001, visiting researcher for the research program "Estimation of stomatal conductance by means of infrared thermometry and its applications to irrigation scheduling" in the context of short-term mobility for researchers of CNR, which was carried out in summer 2001 in the Department of Biological Sciences, University of Dundee (Scotland, UK) in collaboration with Prof. Hamlyn G. Jones.
  • In 2001 Advanced course in “Ecophysiological Research Techniques for stomatal behaviour, gas exchanges and remote sensing”, University of Dundee, Scozia (GB) by Prof. H.G. Jones and Dr J.D.B. Weyers e R. Parson), Dundee (Scotland, UK).
  • 2002-2003: Designing and development of a canopy tree chamber for the measurement of gas exchange of whole trees for photosynthesis, transpiration and respiration for validation of the carbon balance modelling of grapevine.
  • 2012-2013: Co-tutor of Teresa Terracciano for the Experimental thesis in “Biochimica clinica e biologia molecolare clinica” of the ”Corso di laurea in Cienze biologiche”, titled: “Influenza dello stress idrico sull’attivitò fotosintetica, sulla poli-ADP-ribosilazione e sul contenuto di acido abscissico e proline in foglie di pomodoro da serbo”.
  • Since 2013, Responsible scientist e del Plant Eco-physiology laboratory of CNR-ISAFOM.
  • 2012-2015: Co-tutor of Gianpiero Guida for the XXVII Ciclo Doctorate in applied biology at Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II” titled “Regulation of photosynthetic activity of crop species subjected to abiotic environmental stresses”

Latest project responsibilities and participations

  • 2012-2015: Responsible scientist for the UO CNR-ISAFOM of the “Progetto di Ricerca e Sviluppo PON: PON02_00395_3215002 “Valorizzazione di produzioni ortive campane di eccellenza con strumenti di genomica avanzata (GenHORT)”.
  • 2012-2015: Responsible scientist for the UO CNR-ISAFOM “Progetto di Ricerca e Sviluppo PON: PON02_00395_3082360 denominato “Potenziamento della filiera pomodoro attraverso applicazioni integrate di post-genomica (GenoPOMpro)”.
  • 2010-2014: Responsible scientist for the UO CNR-ISAFOM of the “PSR Campania 2007-2013 Misura 214, Salvaguardia della biodiversità vegetale della Campania ( SALVE).
  • 2011-2015: Responsible scientist for the UO CNR-ISAFOM of the O.R. 4.1.1 of the MEF project : “Valorizzazione della filiera produttiva di colture strategiche e sviluppo di tecniche innovative per l’ottenimento di prodotti IV gamma e prodotti gluten-free” (CISIA – Made in Italy).
  • 2010-2013: Scientist of UO CNR-ISAFOM of the “PSR Campania 2007-2013 Misura 124, Zonazione viticola a scala aziendale” (ZoVISA)
  • 2011-2014: Scientist of UO CNR-ISAFOM  of the SWIM-DP, EuropeAid/ 131046/C/ACT/Multi, "Adaptation To Climate Change of the Mediterranean Agricultural Systems"—(ACLIMAS).
  • 2012-2014: Scientist of UO CNR-ISAFOM  of the MIUR- PON Ricerca e competitività Asse I – Obiettivo Operativo – Azione II, PON01_01966, "Filiere agro-industriali integrate ad elevata efficienza energetica per la messa a punto di processi di Produzione Eco-compatibili di Energia e Bio-chemicals da fonte rinnovabile e per la valorizzazione del territorio" (ENERBIOCHEM).



  • Plant physiology. Plant responses to abiotic stress (namely drought, salinity and light). Photosynthesis and transpiration at leaf, plant and crop level. Porometry; Gas exchanges (CO2/water vapor);  Chlorophyll a fluorescence emission; Modulated and continuous (transient) light fluorometry. Sap flow (Heat pulse technique). Bowen ratio. Stomatal control of transpiration; Stomatal and non-stomatal limitations of photosynthesis; Photochemical and non-photochemical  quenching of fluorescence induction under abiotic stress conditions. Infra-red thermometry and fluorescence imaging.


Link to People webpage of P. Giorio publications

Citation reports from Web of Science, Feb. 2016

Sum of the Times Cited:                                          302

Sum of Times Cited without self-citations:                 297

Citing Articles:                                                        288

Citing Articles without self-citations:                         283

Average Citations per Item:                                     17.76

h-index :                                                                6

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