

email: luciano.bosso[at]; luciano.bosso[at]

Skype: lucianobosso

Phone: +39  06 4993 (int. 27547)

Personal website:


Research interest

My main research interests include conservation biology, global change ecology, evolutionary ecology, biogeography, invasion ecology and landscape ecology.


About me

I am an ecologist interested in exploring the macro processes that shape the global species’ distribution by using GIS tools, WebGIS technologies, ecological modelling, and remote sensing applications. My research focuses on understanding how the biotic and abiotic components of the Earth system vary across space and time, their interactions, and predicting shifts in the distribution of biodiversity due to natural and anthropogenic events in terrestrial and marine ecosystems. I have explored spatial patterns in a wide range of organisms including both extant and fossil species from bacteria to whales. My professional activities encompass two main goals. On the one hand, I aim to provide a better understanding of biogeography, global change biology, biological invasions and macroecology, applying my findings to spatial planning and conservation biology. In the AIRTREE project, I will apply ecophysiological models to estimate ecosystem services rendered by urban and peri-urban ecosystems by trees. Furthermore, I will be involved in the creation of WEB-GIS products, and development of decision support systems for the management of urban green areas. On the other hand, I engage in scientific outreach activities to make biological and ecological topics more accessible and attractive to a wider audience.


International IDs

Google Scholar:  

Scopus Author ID: 55361698700

WoS Researcher ID: GFH-6591-2022

Orcid ID: 0000-0002-9472-3802

Research Gate:  


CV Bosso

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