
email: daniele.chiappini[at]


Daniele Chiappini was born in Perugia, Italy, in 1982. 

He received a master’s degree in Law from the University of Perugia, Italy, with an experimental thesis in “Civil liability of researchers and research centers”, developed in collaboration with the Experimental Medicine Department of the University of Perugia and with the patronage of the National Council of the Research. He is currently Ph. D. candidate in Law, science and ethics at the University of Perugia, studying the ethical and juridical aspects of Artificial intelligence.

Once graduated, he won an internship, a scholarship and two fellowships at CNR ISAFOM. During these years he was involved in the management of different European projects and in the legal and ethical work packages of the same projects (MSCA-RISE Before and INTACT and ENI CBC MED LIVINGAGRO). He is a member of the CNR ISAFOM GDPR group.

Since 2018 he is a Subject Expert for Private law and Biotechnology innovation law and in 2020, he obtained the license to practice as a lawyer, passing the state exam.


ORCID: 0000-0003-0386-1124


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