Studio e analisi dei processi fisici, chimici e biologici che determinano il funzionamento e la dinamica degli agro-ecosistemi negli ambienti a clima mediterraneo, per il miglioramento quali-quantitativo delle produzioni, per l’ottimizzazione dell’uso delle risorse naturali, e per la valorizzazione delle funzioni dei sistemi agricoli e forestali. Sviluppo e applicazione di metodi di ricerca e di innovazioni tecnologiche avanzate per il monitoraggio e la previsione degli impatti e delle risposte degli ecosistemi agrari e forestali alle pressioni antropiche e climatiche.

L’ISAFOM afferisce al Dipartimento di Scienze Bio-Agroalimentari del CNR ed ha una "massa critica" di 89 unità ripartito tra le sedi di Portici - NA (sede centrale), Catania, Rende (CS), e Perugia.

Istituto:                       ISAFOM

Indirizzo sede:            Via della madonna alta 128 - 06128 - Perugia

Referente:                  Roberto Altieri

Tel. ufficio:                  075 5014540

e-mail:                        Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

BIODEG: Lab device for evaluating the ultimate biodegradability of plastic polymer under composting condition.

Built in house, BIODEG evaluates the ultimate biodegradability of plastic polymers complying with the standard UNI EN 13432 and ISO 14855-1.

BIODEG estimates the degree and rate of biodegradation of samples put under controlled composting conditions; specimen is kept in air-tight 2-3 liters’ vessel (up to 12 bioreactors) and exposed to an inoculum (mature compost) which drives the biodegradation during the test. BIODEG measures the carbon dioxide emission by Infra-Red Gas Analyzer (IRGA) method over a period up to 6 months. CO2 analysis occurs sequentially and automatically on exhausted air coming from the samples run in triplicates, always including blank vessel (only inoculum) and a standard biodegradable compound (inoculum + i.e. cellulose).

BIODEG monitors pressure of the inlet air, temperature, CO2 concentration and flow rate of the exhausted air by using a custom LabVIEWTM program interfaced with a data acquisition system. Acquisition of signals, control of actuators, remote software supervision, data elaboration and monitoring are performed by means of fit-for-purpose integration of hardware and software. Parameters are recorded, plotted, and promptly displayed in tables, graphs and spreadsheets, showing in real time on video the degree and rate of biodegradation of each sample under analyses.

BIODEG was validated in house by using simultaneously both infra-red gas analysis and Ba(OH)2 titration methods for measuring the amount of carbon dioxide released during biodegradation.

BIODEG proves to be a flexible device: boundary conditions, such as temperature of analyses, number of reactors, and air flow rate, can be easily varied, and different environments can be simulated by changing the design of the bioreactors, the inoculum used (e.g., soil or water instead of compost); environmental parameters put under control can be easily implemented (e.g., oxygen); this makes it possible to evaluate a wide range of different biodegradation scenarios.

Lastly, BIODEG shortens significantly time of analysis and reduces the likelihood of systematic errors that might result from the use of laborious Ba(OH)2 titration method.

Possible service

Analysis of the ultimate biodegradability of samples (plastic polymers) put under composting condition, according to UNI EN 13432 and ISO 14855-1 standards. Target customer: bio-based plastic polymer industry.

Given its versatility, BIODEG can be easily adapted for running respiration tests in long term analyses under differently chosen aerobic biodegradation scenarios. Target customer: private and public research institutions.

BIODEG scheme



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