Studio e analisi dei processi fisici, chimici e biologici che determinano il funzionamento e la dinamica degli agro-ecosistemi negli ambienti a clima mediterraneo, per il miglioramento quali-quantitativo delle produzioni, per l’ottimizzazione dell’uso delle risorse naturali, e per la valorizzazione delle funzioni dei sistemi agricoli e forestali. Sviluppo e applicazione di metodi di ricerca e di innovazioni tecnologiche avanzate per il monitoraggio e la previsione degli impatti e delle risposte degli ecosistemi agrari e forestali alle pressioni antropiche e climatiche.

L’ISAFOM afferisce al Dipartimento di Scienze Bio-Agroalimentari del CNR ed ha una "massa critica" di 89 unità ripartito tra le sedi di Portici - NA (sede centrale), Catania, Rende (CS), e Perugia.


email: valentina.passeri[at]

Valentina Passeri graduated in Plant Sciences and Technologies at the University of Perugia where she also obtained a PhD in Plant Biology and Biotechnology, in collaboration with the CNR. Her scientific activity began with the study of the intraspecific variability and plasticity of the genome in various Mediterranean plant species, using cytogenetic techniques and molecular markers. She was involved in the project concerning the defense of the production of high value truffles by biotechnological approaches. She devoted her activity to the study of the genetic control of pigment biosynthesis with particular attention to transcription factors controlling the biosynthesis and accumulation of secondary metabolites in model species (Arabidopsis thaliana, Medicago truncatula and Petunia sp.) and crops (Lotus spp., tobacco and Olea europea).

At the CNR-ISAFOM of Perugia, she is involved in the instrumental analysis of the main chemical compounds contained in the drupes and in the olive oils and in the characterization of new olive genotypes suitable for intensive planting.


ORCID: 0000-0002-3744-2246

Loop profile: 268909

Scopus Author ID: 22935623400

SciProfiles: 2069297


Main areas of research

  • Plant Biology and Biotechnologies to produce healthier foods and feeds
  • Genetic and environmental control of flavonoid biosynthesis in crops and model species
  • Cloning and functional characterization of regulatory and structural genes involved in secondary metabolite synthesis and their stable accumulation in plant cells
  • Breeding forage legumes by transgenesis and interspecific hybridization
  • In vivo, in vitro breeding and screening of mutant lines of model plants and crops
  • Research of new strategies for obtaining somatic embryogenesis in recalcitrant plant species (Olea europea)
  • Analysis by chromatographic and spectrophotometric techniques of the main compounds in fruits and olive oils