
email: paul.ditommasi[at]; paul.ditommasi[at]

Tel:   +39  06.4993 (int.27575)


Diploma thesis, 2001: Biomonitoring of the Averno Lake: ability to accumulate heavy metals in Phragmites communis and some submerged aquatic plants.

PhD thesis, 2005: Carbon fluxes and evapotranspiration of a Mediterranean agroecosystem in Southern Italy


Research interest:

  • Surface energy and scalar flux measurements using micrometeorological techniques.
  • Role of management practices and climate on agroecosystem behavior.
  • Modeling carbon, water and energy exchange using long term data sets.


Laboratory/Field activities:

  • Borgo Cioffi monitoring  site: eddy covariance measurements, meteorological measurements, agronomic practices, biometry, soil measurements and data analysis. Quality assurance of datasets and data management.
  • Bio-Meteorological Laboratory at the C.N.R. - ISAFoM Institute: sensors maintenance and calibration, data loggers programming, purchases management (RUP), development of  monitoring apparatus and data acquisition systems.
  • Gas chromatography for N2O and CH4 (LCD-FID); fluxes from the soil also using automatic chambers.
  • Long term datasets analysis, adaptation scenarios of the Italian agriculture to climate change.